Saturday, October 24, 2009

Motorcycle Camping Trailers

Euro Millions Live

Motorcycle Camping Trailers Growing With The Times

There are not too many motorcycle camping trailers in which people can sleep, but they can be used to tote everything needed for time on the road to be more comfortable. Designed to be lightweight and pulled behind a motorcycle, the trailers can carry a tent, sleeping bag and other items to make camping on the road more like home instead of having to sleep under the stars. Some of the larger motorcycle camping trailers can even carry a canopy roof under which the riders can sleep in the event of rain.

Until the use of motorcycle camping trailers became for acceptable, riders hoping for an extended road trip had to rely on good weather or motels to provide shelter at the end of a long day of riding. Today however, the trailer have grown in size as well as stability allowing motorcyclists to enjoy the camping options previously offered to four-wheel vehicles.

Most of the motorcycle camping trailers designed today offer low resistance as well as low resistance to side winds, helping them be more stable on the road. Typically, about six-feet long and two to three-feet wide, they may not add to the stability of the motorcycle, but they also not detract from the rider’s ability to keep the bike upright.

Pop-Up Trailers Provide More Convenience

Some of the larger motorcycle camping trailers, not initially designed as cargo carriers, will function similar to small pop-up trailers, folded down for ease of towing and able to be set up in minutes as a camper for two people. These trailers usually have a soft top and collapsible metal frames that quickly turn into a camper, complete with a canopy roof and side windows for ventilation.

They are lightweight, usually between 200 and 250 pounds, making them easy to two behind average sized bikes. While several varieties of motorcycle camping trailers serve essentially as cargo trailers, the newer camping trailers offer more convenience and comfort for sleeping in campsites or along the road. Some will even have a separate dressing area, standing higher than the sleeping area for ease of changing clothes while camping.

One of the many benefits of the newer motorcycle camping trailers is they are quick to set up and repack the next day, making them convenient to use for one-night stops on a road trip. They can also provide shelter from harsh weather without the need to find a motel to stay in until storms pass through the area.

Discount Camping Gear

Discount Camping Gear Offers Savings For Occasional Use

Persons who enjoy frequent camping trips may not appreciate the quality found in discount camping gear, as they look for products that can withstand the rigors of being used every weekend. However, there are those who will used it infrequently and are quite happy being able to buy discount camping gear for occasional use. That is not to say that all gear sold at a reduce price is not durable, but it may take some doing to find quality camping equipment at reduced prices.

There is a difference between discount camping gear can cheap equipment, and knowing how to tell the difference can make it possible to save money on quality gear. Many makers of durable equipment will occasionally discontinue to line of products and offer their inventory of old merchandise at a big savings. Buying this discount camping gear can net a great product at a great price, but it can also mean the sale of factory seconds to the uninitiated buyer of camping equipment.

For the most part, persons who only camp occasionally will be well served by buying discount camping gear, as its durability is not as important. Most products are designed to meet the immediate needs of the campers, but are not designed for extended or frequent use.

Considers Price Based On Frequency Of Use

Buying discount camping gear should not be a spur of the moment decision. If a person buys, for example a camp stove that will only be used about six teams a year and pays $30, that works out to $5 for each use, and it it works fine for 10 camping trips, they will simply toss it and buy a new one every couple of years.

On the other hand, a person who will use it 30 times a year would have to replaced it twice in one year. Buying a better quality stove for $60 that lasts three or four years, will be a better savings for them instead of buying discount camping gear not designed to last. How frequent the equipment will be used and any potential abuse it will suffer needs to be considered.

There are many items that are ideal to buy as discount camping gear, especially if the plan is to use it for one season and then replace it, however if the idea is to buy it and have it last for several years, discount camping gear may not be the best investment.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Camping Knives

Different Types Of Camping Knives Perform Different Functions

There are many different uses for camping knives, depending on where you are going and what the plans are. When camping in the woods, a knife is useful for trimming trees as well as cutting food before cooking, but the size of the camping knives will be decided by their use. For many people, it is not unusual to use their knife for a variety of tasks, which makes their choice important so they do not have to carry a different knife for different purposes.

Knives with a serrations may be idea for cutting tender objects, such as a loaf of bread, but probably will not work if it has to trim small branches for a tree to use for roasting hot dogs over an open fire. In some instances, camping knives may be called upon to fillet fish and using a serrated edge may make this job harder. While most view camping knives as a long, fixed-blade tool to carry in a sheath, others prefer folding blades to make them easier and safer to carry.

Those choosing to carry folding camping knives are advised to insure it is a lock-back knife to prevent the blade from slipping closed while being used. The lock-back feature requires the use of two hands to close the blade, but also eliminates the accidental closing when the fingers may not be out of the way.

Do Not Carry Unprotected Knives

It may seem elementary, but camping knives should be carried either in a protective sheath or be able to have the blade fold into the handle. This is only common sense, but there are many accidents every year from people being cut or stabbed while carrying an open-bladed knife in their backpack or pocket. The sheath should also be sturdy enough so that the blade of camping knives does not accidentally cut though the side.

How the sheath is positioned on the belt is also safety related. It should be far enough to one side so as not interfere with the wearer’s ability to stoop or bend, yet close enough to the front to allow easy access. Care is also needed to make sure the sheath housing the camping knives does not end up poking in the pocket or getting hung up on passing brush.

Regardless of the use of camping knives, they need to kept clean and sharp at all times. Even if they are not used for cutting food, if they are allowed to dry with sap from a tree branch on the blade, even stainless steel blades will suffer and become weak. The blade should never be held over an open fire to clean it, as the heat from the flame can cause the blade to lose its strength and snap off under normal circumstances.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Camping First Aid Kits

Carry Camping First Aid Kits For Own Protection

It does not matter how careful you and the rest of the family are, if you are planning on going camping, first aid kits need to be packed in with the rest of your gear. Even the smallest cut or insect bite can turn into a major problem if it is not properly treated and many camping trips have been cut short due to infections. There are many different types of camping first aid kits available that you can find the one that will fit your budget as well as your camping needs.

For short stays in a public campground the camping first aid kits should include band aids as well as a topical antiseptic to clean wounds. They should also contain items for insect bites or bee stings as well as gauze to provide a sterile dressing in the event of a larger cut. Most public campgrounds will have emergency supplies available to major accidents so carrying a litter, splints and dressing for major emergencies probably will not be necessary.

Even if you go the entire season without opening it, camping first aid kits should be checked before leaving on the first trip of the year. You never know when a family member may have grabbed a few band aids from the kit while at home and when they are needed in camp, is not the time to find out they have all been used.

Check First Aid Supplies Frequently

Ointments and astringents that are often part of camping first aid kits do have expiration dates and before every season, the kits should be checked to make sure everything is still valid. Antiseptics used beyond their expiration date will not have the same benefits as fresh materials and you could still end up with an infection. Additionally, using out dated products on an open wound may actually invite an infection.

This is also a good time to check on the supply of band-aids and gauze to make sure there are enough in the kit. While most camping first aid kits are available in waterproof containers, it is always possible that some moisture has leaked inside and ruined all or part of the products inside.

At the end of every trip it is advised to replenish every item from the camping first aid kits that may have been used. It is easy to forget between trips that you might be out of something and the time to realize it is before that item is needed in an emergency.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Camping Cookware

Choose Camping Cookware Based On Family’s Needs

Whenever people go camping and plan to do their own cooking, they will have to pack their own camping cookware, and the type they used will have to be made for the type of cooking they plan to do. Another variable in the type of camping cookware they carry will be how it will be transported. Lightweight aluminum or titanium cookware is recommended for hiking, but if traveling by camper or trailer, heavy-duty stainless steel is recommended for durability.

How much camping cookware that a family carries will depend on the size of the family as well as the type of cooking they plan to do on the road. A stockpot will definitely be needed to boil water as well as in which to cook soup and stew while a frying pan is used for many other type of cooking. A coffee pot or teakettle will also be high on the list of necessities for any family that appreciates hot beverages.

Durability is one point when choosing camping cookware as many of the less expensive types will not hold up under such fiery conditions. Especially, if the cooking is going to be done over an open fire the camping cookware will need to be heavy-duty, able to withstand the heat.

Important To Keep Cookware Clean

When cooking outside, it is important to remember to clean the camping cookware after each use. Since there probably will not be an automatic dishwasher there will need to optional methods of keeping it clean. Since using non-stick cookware in the wild is not feasible most camping cookware is made of durable steel or another type of metal. It also not feasible to carry different cleansers and if the pot or pan needs scoured, a little bit of sand and hot water can do the trick.

While scouring pads that include their own soap are convenient, after the first use you will probably want to discard them to prevent them from rusting in a plastic bag. Using a little bit of sand and a wet rag can clean the camping cookware can be clean and ready for the next meal.

If using most camping cookware for the first time, especially cast iron cookware, it should be properly seasoned. This is accomplished by using a light layer or cooking oil and heating the cookware until the oil burns off. Not in flames, but from the heat of the fire. Instructions on how to properly season camping cookware that requires it are usually included with the instructions with new pieces.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Camping Tips

Good Camping Tips Make Journey More Enjoyable

Whether heading out for the first time or are considered an experienced camper, everyone can use a few camping tips that may make their experience more enjoyable. One of the best ways to insure having a good time while camping is to make sure you are prepared for just about anything that can happen…tears in the tent, torn shoes or even just holding up mosquito nets can all be done with duct tape. The old saying of being able to six just about anything with duct tape and baling wire is not a joke then looking for camping tips on how to make repairs on the fly. 

Click Here! for a guide to get ready for camping in 12 easy steps.

The exercise pad that sits rolled up the closet, while the treadmill serves as a clothes hanger, can make an ideal sleeping pad when you are camping. Additionally, instead of lugging your pillows from the bedroom into the woods, a large zip-lock bag filled with are can serve as a pillow. However, of all the camping tips offered, the best one may be not to put your head on the bag without a cloth covering.

When packing tools you think may be needed in camp, have a pair of channel lock pliers. They make good potholders for lifting hot pots off the fire. They can also be used to twist the baling wire for repairs, as offered in previous camping tips.

Be Prepared With Bad Weather Activities

Many camping trips have been ruined by bad weather, and while it may not last the entire trip, even a few hours being cooped up in a tent can cause tempers to grow short. Be sure to have a few games and maybe some cards to help pass time while waiting for the sun to shine and the sky to clear. Among the most valuable camping tips may include the use od baggies or various sizes to help keep things dry. Even without the raining morning dew can make many things damp and be useless when needed.

Building a campfire is easier when it is dry and you use matches, and camping tips on making weather proof matches can be invaluable. The large wooden kitchen matches can be dipped in was to protect them from the humidity. They can also be coated with clear nail polish to make them waterproof, may will be harder to light. Using the cardboard rolls from toilet paper, stuffed with dryer lint or scrap paper make excellent fire starters while on a camping trip.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Camping Is The Most Enjoyable Summer Time Activity

If you are looking for something to do during the summer, camping is a great experience for the entire family. You can get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and at the same time relax and cook out over an open fire. You can avoid the dishes by using paper plates and tin foil for cooking, and you get to sit around a sparkling fire roasting hot dogs or marshmallows at night. Camping as you can see has many rewards as well. Whether you are using a tent, a pop up camper or a truck camper, you are going to have fun.

Tent Camping

If you are planning to go camping in a tent, you will want a tent big enough to keep everything together and still have enough room to sleep. You can buy tents today that have rooms. They have a room for sitting and dining, a room for sleeping as well as a room for supplies. You can even find some tents that have attached screen porches. The only thing about tent camping is that you are on the ground, and if you are in an area where the wild animals crawl around at night for food, you will want to keep food in a secure vehicle.

Pop Up Campers

Now camping is great when you have a pop up camper. They feature sinks, stoves, heaters, beds, cabinets and some even have outside showers. You will have a microwave, a kitchen table, seating, and a television if you want. The beds are soft and the comfort is just right. Many people live in these campers and travel all over the country, camping and meeting new friends along the way. The pop up camper is nice and easy to set up. The privacy flaps allow you to allow light in or keep the light out as well as people.

Truck Campers

Camping in a truck camper is just as nice as camping in a pop up camper. The nice thing about a truck camper is that your never leave home without it. You can just jump in your truck and drive anywhere you want and know you will always have a place to sleep. It is always ready to go and you do not have to set up anything. These are nice for any type of camping, but hunters like these for deer hunting season.

It does not matter what you use for camping as long as you are having fun. That is what this is all about anyway. You do not want camping to become a necessity but rather a pleasure.